The fan page strategy is the only way left now to become Instagram famous and fully grow by not doing anything. And once you set up this strategy you can just sit back relax and do nothing because your growth will be fully automated. How you can actually use this strategy the right way? The role that you can expect to get from the fan page strategy all depends on how many fan pages you decide to set up.
How the fan page strategy actually works?

This, for example, is your main account, the account that you want to grow then the fan page strategy is based on building look-alike accounts to this main account with a goal of pushing traffic from these look-alike accounts over to your main page. Instead of risking to have your main page banned doing automation on it you’re risking the fan pages which is the main goal of this that you set up previously then send traffic over to your account and you grow followers on your main account.
1. Create the fan pages
When you create the fan pages you should never create fan pages on the same IP address. You don’t want to create these fan pages in your own home desktop because then you can have all of the fan pages banned, Instagram flags as suspicious if you create too many accounts on one specific IP.

You can get a VPN that will hide your IP. It basically just allows you to connect to a different place in the world with a different IP. It looks like you for example tapped in from Germany when you’re using a VPN.
When you create the fan pages a different browser is needed than what you normally use because you don’t want anything to associate your main account with the fan pages. Use the new browser, say firefox, and create the fan accounts on this browser, also make sure you’ve got a specific email address for each Instagram account and do not add your phone number for verification.
2. Set up the fan pages
Once you have your fan pages ready it’s time to set them up; add a bio, a profile picture, content to the account. You want to post a minimum of nine pictures on all the accounts, by the way, every fan page you want to post about nine to fifteen posts as adding content makes it look good.

Do not post the same pictures on each different fan page because then Instagram will connect the dots between your different fan pages, and the likelihood of them being banned is much higher. Instead, change the codes of the images and post them on your fan pages, as you can guess, every single image has a code behind it and you’ll need to change this code behind the image. How to do this? By simply adding another layer to the image that you’ve added a fresh code.
Just screenshot the image, go to Instagram and then add some image filters in the Instagram platform itself, this used to work earlier. Now the Instagram filters that are a no-go Instagram can detect that it is the same picture, hence, you got to change the code outside of Instagram. Keep in mind that this picture can only be posted on one fan page. If you want to post the same image on another fan page you have to change the base code of the image again. This is really important because we don’t want Instagram to associate the different fan pages with each other as well.
In the bio of your Instagram accounts, a fan pages you do not want to post your main account and to direct people to your main account. In the bio, this was the way people did it before and grew followers with the fan pages. You can do this on a few but we only recommend doing it on about 10 to 20% of your fan pages. I would recommend 10% else it creates obvious association and we don’t really want that.
3. Redirect the traffic

The goal with each fan page is, of course, to redirect the traffic the followers from the fan page over to the main account. You can do this by placing a link or an act your Instagram username and your bio but as I said it is a bit risky. So you basically need to tag yourself in the image of the post on your fan page, whenever you post tag yourself in the image of the post. Now, you do not want to do a lot on all of them because that creates that very easily recognizable pattern for newsroom algorithm. You need about 50% of the images and that in the next 30% of images. Rather than tagging your main account, point to it in the caption of the post in the first three lines. And then the remaining 20% of the posts, you don’t want to do anything, no redirection at all just keep it as it is.
4. Automate the fan pages
Once the fan pages are set up, you would need a profile picture, bio, nine images on the account; it’s time to automate the fan pages.
To automate a fan page you need basically a program that allows you to automate multiple unique Instagram accounts.

The kinds of things you need this automation tool to do and again are the ones you use. It’s completely up to you, but what you need for the automation tool is like, comment, follow and unfollow that’s the main features that are pretty much all will you need. That is basically the strategy that you’re going to be using to automate the fan pages, you’re going to be liking, following, commenting and unfollowing.
The automation part of the fan pages also requires you to have fairly high skills when it comes to handling a software if you’re running too aggressive settings. For example, if you don’t really know how to automate you would not know the boundaries of Instagram then you’re in for a treat as your fan pages will be banned instantly. So having proper automation skills is something you got to educate yourself on.
I have a solution for those who want to spend money on getting these packages set up and get going. If this is what you want, they’ll just charge you for setting up the fan pages for you.
Now the benefits of paying for this it might just cost you the same as you would have to pay for an automation tool. Because an automation tool is that you take a lot especially if you’re going to automate 20-30 accounts, it might cost you five hundred dollars each month.
You might be curious about the packages that they’re offering and that’s what we’ll look at next for 700 to 2k followers a month it’s going to cost you $350 a month. Why is it such a big fluctuation area? That’s because some accounts convert better than others, you might be posting not so good content that’s why you’re going to get around 700 followers but this other guy says, Jason, he’s posting amazing content, therefore, getting about 2,000 followers from the same package. It’s all about conversions. Here, moving on from 2000 followers to 4000 followers, the cost of that is 597$ for 6K to 8k followers a month the cost is 897$.
And there are other packages like 16k or 32k followers per month as well, prices and the links to the purchases do check it out, click here.